I'm just a girl trying to spread a little joy, one handmade jewellery piece at a time. The Groggy Owl began with my passion for all things handmade, and a desire to get away from mass-produced, generic accessories. I make each piece by hand in small batches, using locally-sourced and recycled materials wherever I can. 

Currently, The Groggy Owl is primarily a one woman show. Meaning I do everything from product design, creation, photography, marketing, social media advertising, packaging, modelling, customer service - you name it! However, during my busy market season - I do have the help of my amazing & talented business partner - my mom. Learn more about us below. 

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Much love,

Sarah Dizon Sowinski

Owner, Designer, Maker
The Groggy Owl

A photo of a woman wearing a heavy-duty gas mask and an apron, working in a jewellery studio full of tools.

Pictured above is Sarah working on jewellery in her tiny home studio.


The Faces Behind Your Jewellery

Sarah Dizon Sowinski
Owner, Designer, Maker

Specialties: Electroforming, Metalsmithing, Clay Work, and everything else The Groggy Owl!

A self-taught artist and jewellery maker, Sarah Dizon Sowinski is the founder, designer and maker behind The Groggy Owl. Sarah completed her BA in International Development Studies, where she focused on ethical business practices and social responsibility. She also completed a post-grad diploma in Business and Human Resources.

Marife Dizon Sowinski
Maker & Designer

Specialities: Wire-weaving, Beadwork

Sarah owes much of her creatve talent to her amazing mom, Marife. As The Groggy Owl grew, Sarah realized this could no longer be a one woman show, especially during the hectic craft market months and during the busy holiday season. Also a self-taught maker, Marife is an exceptionally skilled wire-weaver. Aside from jewellery making, Marife is also an extraordinary gardener and chef, specializing in traditional Kapampangan cuisine.

Chief Moral Support Officer

Specialties: Looking cute while hoping for snacks

Artie is the adorable & loving rescue dog adopted by Sarah in 2015. The Groggy Owl would not run as smoothly without the important role Artie plays. When Artie's not snooping around to make sure fallen components aren't actually treats, he loves sitting by Sarah's feet - always ready to give moral support in the form of cuddles & kisses! Follow him on Instagram @theamazingartie

Learn more about The Groggy Owl, as featured on, Leaving Legacy, Halo-Halo Mix-Mix, Entrepinayship, Pinay Collection, and Shop Local Canada.